Corporation: What It Is and How to Form One

Some states may offer business owners going through the incorporation process the option to reserve an available name for a period between 60 and 120 days depending on the state. Another critical difference between corporations and individuals is the right to legal counsel. A company can provide a lawyer to manage a case, but … Read more

Accumulated Income: What it Means, How it Works, Example

The new retained earnings balance, or the accumulated income at the end of the current year, is $450,000 ($250,000 beginning balance + $500,000 net income – $300,000 dividends paid out). Company A allocates the accumulated income to purchase new equipment and invest in its research and development initiatives. The amount of accumulated income tends … Read more

Tax Shield: Definition, Formula for Calculation, and Example

Capital expenditure (Capex)—with the cash flow generated from fixed asset over a period of time. On the income statement, depreciation reduces a company’s earning before taxes (EBT) and the total taxes owed for book purposes. Let us take the example of another company, PQR Ltd., which is planning to purchase equipment worth $30,000 payable in … Read more

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